My games are all "choose-your-own-adventure" kinds of games, where the whole game is just the player making tough decisions. There's often a lot of machinery in the background deciding what comes next in the story; Choice of Magics, for example, has over 500 variables that can affect the story in ways major and minor.

Choice of Magics is an "upbeat postapocalyptic fantasy" game in which the world has been destroyed by magic, but you're a wizard looking to start the wheels of progress again. It's most notable for its extreme branchiness - there are somewhere between 30 and 100 endings, depending on how charitable you are about what counts as a different ending, with very few of them early deaths.

Choice of Alexandria looks at a key moment in history that is often overlooked - the point where the ancient Greco-Egyptian city of Alexandria, home to the famous lighthouse and library, began to decline. Alexandria was a place of great learning and science for the reigns of its first three rulers; then the early scientist Eratosthenes, who was supposed to be the next ruler's tutor, came along and ruined everything. How much science can you do while keeping your pupil from becoming a tyrant?

In Choice of Robots, my most popular game, you play a roboticist in the near future who has had a breakthrough discovery, allowing the creation of human-level intelligence. But what kind of robot story is this - a robot rebellion, a robot utopia, or even a robot romance? Play out a whole life, ask existential questions, and regret your decisions. Or build a robot army and take over Alaska. Whichever.